Loved by those in hard to reach areas with limited trade access, our built off site modules are perfect for remote slices of NZ paradise as well as urban areas.

Below is some helpful info
for installation + transport.


Once your build is completed at our Auckland or Christchurch build site, it will be loaded onto a truck/s & on the road to your location. Our team, including builders & transport experts, will work on site together to crane & drop your building/s into place. On-site works including landscaping & connecting your services will then begin & usually take just a few weeks.


Of course, every project is unique & requires different site-works, delivery & more.

The prices shown online are the cost of your build utilising our ‘Classic’ offering. These costs exclude transport & installation as well as any upgrades you may want to customise your abode.

To get a detailed lists of available upgrades as well as transport & installation costs please email us & let us know what design you are after + we can send you the information booklet which covers this in detail.

Let’s Work
Together +